Inventory Sorting

Inventory Sorting


Invsort type is not changing

torialityy opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When using the invsort mod on a modded server, Through Fabric Via Cursefoge, hosted on Exaroton, the Invsorttype command will not change the sort type.


Same issue on a self-hosted Fabric server. InvSort sortType command does not change type, it's permanently stuck to sort by name. Same behavior regardless of if using InvSort sort command, double click, and middle click. Same behavior for all of those across both vanilla client and modded client config'd to sort by category. Server side config folder contains only blacklist file, as reported above. Tried putting a client-side config file with sort type Category set into the server side config folder, no change.

Translation keys are being printed to the chat for the client (shown below), but Server Console has no logs for any commands, so can't provide any further insight from there.


Also, there is no invsort config file in the server files, only a blacklist file.