Inventory Sorting

Inventory Sorting


Double-Click sorting is still active, even when disabled in the config

Landaz2 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Pretty much the title. I disabled all ways of sorting so that only clicking the ui button should do the sorting. However, double clicking still sorts the inventory that is clicked in.

Minecraft 1.18
Fabric 0.12.8
Inventory Sorting 1.8.0-1.18


	// Enable 'Sort' button in inventorys
	"displaySort": true,
	// Middle click slot to sort inventorys
	"middleClick": false,
	// Double click slot to sort inventorys
	"doubleClickSort": false,
	// Enable second 'Sort' button in player inv
	"seperateBtn": true,
	// Sorting inv also sorts player inv
	"sortPlayer": false,
	// Method of sorting, NAME,CATEGORY,MOD
	"sortType": "NAME",
	// Display Sort Button Tooltip
	"displayTooltip": true,
	// Sort Inventory key
	"keybinding": "key.keyboard.unknown",
	// Should sort half of open inv highlighted by mouse
	"sortMouseHighlighted": false,
	"debugMode": false

I have found the issue and will release a fix shortly


This was released with 1.8.1