Not working right with Aroma's Better Chests.
Chefbarbie opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Middle click / "R" doesn't properly sort (only stacks, doesn't move anything around).
Pressing any of the sort buttons in a better chests GUI tosses this into chat:
"InvTweaks: [ERROR] [3] Failed to sort container: Section not available (l36 in ContainerSectionManager,java)"
This happens with chests fully upgraded with storage upgrades (never tried with a basic starter chest.
Vanilla chests work fine.
Do not have iron chests installed.
Same error as above. Here are some additional information:
- Minecraft 1.7.10
- forge:1.7.10-
- Aroma1997Core-1.7.10-
- BetterChests-1.7.10-
- InventoryTweaks-1.59-dev-152.jar