5000 entry limit in tree file
drakray opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Minecraft Version:
Forge Version:
Inventory Tweaks Version:
1.62 dev-78
Is there a way/plan to support more than 5000 entry in the InvTweaksTree file?
I made myself a fairly large file to sort Metallic/Gems stuff, and Harvestcraft stuff too, and I tested to see why stuff past a certain point stopped being sorted as I want, and 5000 is the last one to be.
I wasn't aware of any such limit, and I can't find anything obvious that might be imposing it.
A quick look does show the parsing is probably slower than it could be because it goes through the whole file twice, though.
The only place with 5000 in the code is in InvTweaksItemTree.java , if that could be relevant
Hmm.. that is where it sticks all the default entries, so it might be that the ones past 5000 are loaded, but just end up effectively ignored
That whole thing is a bit awkward though, and it really should be made to just place them more consistently.
Here is my file if you want to test
something weird:
my 5000 mark is at line 5485, harvestcraft:firmtofuitem
if I change order for thing in <harvestcraftRawProteins>,
they don't change order in inventory
but if I change bucket order in <item>,
they change order in inventory
ok, new infos:
it seems that thing ARE ordered by the file, for everything listed.
Problem seems to come from thing WITHOUT sorted entry, like HC meal in my file, which are not listed.
They seems to insert themself randomly after 5000, sorted alphabetically by mod, then code name, unless specified in file
that is where it sticks all the default entries
Anything not there gets set to a priority of 5000, which is equivalent to the 5000th entry.
This has mostly been around forever, in older versions it did a bit more spacing based on numerical IDs of things but in practice it still started at 5000 for the first items.
This number is possibly a bit low with current mods, but just randomly raising it a bit won't really solve the issue (or some of the other things related to that default not always being the best thing)