Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only]

Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only]


TConstruct Hammer > Pickaxe Issue

saffeine opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Inventory Tweaks Version: 1.64+dev.146

i'm unsure why but inventory tweaks in this version seems to prioritise tinkers' construct hammer over the pickaxe regardless of how the tree is set up. this never happened in previous versions and i'm not sure if it's a problem with invtweaks or tconstruct.

when i first crafted both tools, they seemed to sort without me needing to add either of them to the tree, as if they'd already been set up beforehand. i know there are currently trees that can be added in the /trees folder, but they don't automatically get pulled from the repo do they?

if there is just a pickaxe or just a hammer in the inventory, it sorts both into the slot correctly, but if both are present then it will always choose the hammer over the pickaxe.

here are my current config snippets of the rules and tree respectively:

====== [ SETTINGS ] ======

D1 sword
D2 pickaxe
D3 shovel
D4 axe
D9 torch
<pickaxe class="Item" data="{ToolClass : &quot;pickaxe&quot;}">
	<tConstructPickaxe id="tconstruct:pickaxe"/>
	<tConstructHammer id="tconstruct:hammer"/>
	<diamondPickaxe id="diamond_pickaxe"/>
	<goldPickaxe id="golden_pickaxe"/>
	<ironPickaxe id="iron_pickaxe"/>
	<stonePickaxe id="stone_pickaxe"/>
	<woodPickaxe id="wooden_pickaxe"/>

any help is appreciated, and if it's a bug then i hope it's resolved soon. it makes carrying both quite a pain in the butt and i can't figure it out for the life of me.