Add item tree support for enchanted items.
Kobata opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Allow sorting specific enchantments on items separately from other versions of the item.
I'd be incredibly happy with this! I've had to manually resort my book chests a couple times when I've accidentally middle-clicked them.
This would be fantastic to sort swords. Since Minecraft displays how much damage a sword can do on its tooltip, I think swords should be sorted for the highest damaging used first by default.
There are likely arguments against that default of course.
Sword damage is an attribute, not an enchantment, and I haven't even come up with a way of letting people mess with enchantments that isn't too complex to expect anyone to easily figure out yet.
However, if you set sorting for a group (e.g., 'sword' instead of 'ironSword') they are preferred in the order they appear in the Item Tree file: currently (for swords) that goes iron->diamond->stone->gold->wood. The orders for these are from before I took over so I don't know why they're in that specific order.