Can't register items at personal crafting while moving forward (pressing W)
Psychodeus opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the bug
When I move forward (Key W) while running or not, I can't pick any items to put somewhere in the slot, it always directed to personal crafting slot (The 4 square slots). And if I move sideward (Key A, D) it's completely normal.
Crash Log
My keybind
Version and Mod List
List the version of InvMove, the version of Forge/Fabric/Quilt, and the version of Minecraft the issue happens on:
Minecraft version: 1.19.2
Modloader: Fabric
Fabric loader version: 0.14.9
Environment: Singleplayer
Mod version: 0.8.1
List any other mods being used:
Usually this is caused by having a mod that adds W+click as a "move to crafting grid" shortcut, though I didn't see any of the usual suspects in your list looking through quickly. I'll take a closer look later if that doesn't ring any bells