Crash when launching minecraft
Willem07 opened this issue · 8 comments
Please explain the error
minecraft: 1.19.2-forge-43.2.7
mod version: InvMove-1.19-0.8.3-Forge
Hi! If you could try to narrow down the mod list to just a few that cause the problem that would be very helpful. There's not much to work with in the log.
Oh, I'm not sure why Modrinth is saying 10.0.96+ is required, it's supposed to be set to just require any version.
It seems to work fine for me with 8.2.88, and I'll look into why Modrinth is listing a wrong version.
О, я не уверен, почему Modrinth говорит, что требуется 10.0.96+, предполагается, что для него требуется только любая версия. Кажется, у меня все нормально работает с 8.2.88, и я разберусь, почему Modrinth указывает неправильную версию.
OK, but my version 0.8.3 doesn't want to work on version 1.19.2-forge-43.2.8 without mods
Oh wait that's weird, seems like the mappings in the release jars are all wrong. Maybe I uploaded the wrong jars?
Does the version from the bottom here work? https://github.com/PieKing1215/InvMove/actions/runs/4432039559
It was easy, it seems version 1.19-1.19.4 does not work in version 1.19.2, because I see that cloth config 10.096+ is required, but the latest version of cloth config for 1.19.2 is version 8.2.88-forge
no mods: latest.log
There are no problems in the modpack with the mod version 0.8.2