Moveing in sign's gui
sunnythe1 opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Before you report
Please use the search bar to make sure the issue you're reporting hasn't already been reported.
Additionally, give this issue a descriptive title. (eg. "Crash when opening crafting table")
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
If you have any leads, include them here.
(eg. if the issue occurs only on multiplayer or only in a certain inventory type)
To Reproduce
Describe how this issue can be reproduced.
Try to be as detailed and exact as possible.
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Crash Log
If this problem is related to a crash, please include the crash log (can be found in .minecraft/crash-reports/)
Version and Mod List
List the version of InvMove, the version of Forge/Fabric/Quilt, and the version of Minecraft the issue happens on:
Forge/Fabric/Quilt version:
List any other mods being used:
If possible, try to reproduce the bug with the smallest number of other mods you can. This can help me figure out where the problem occurs.
However, if the issue is truly a compatibility problem with another mod, I will likely be able to fix it if you include the mod list.