[Forge][1.20.1]Incompatability with "Better-Controls" mod
ACE1337x opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Describe the bug
Having InvMove installed prevents "Better Controls" 'Resume Sprinting After Hitting Obstacle' from functioning
To Reproduce
- install "Better-Controls"
- enable 'Resume Sprinting After Hitting Obstacle'
- tap the sprint button to begin sprinting
- hit a block
- sprinting should resume automatically when ready without additional input
- install "InvMove"
- note the 'Resume Sprinting After Hitting Obstacle' stops functioning
Version and Mod List
InvMove: v0.8.4 (1.20.0/1)
Forge/Fabric/Quilt version: Forge 47.3.11
Minecraft: 1.20.1
List any other mods being used:
Better Controls: Release 1.3.0
I can take a look later but there's a chance this might be fixed already for the next release:
If you go here: https://github.com/PieKing1215/InvMove/actions/runs/11759358978
and scroll down to artifacts and download that zip, there's a InvMove-0dfad37+1.20.1-Forge.jar
If you get a chance can you try and see if that fixes it? (if you have InvMoveCompats you'll need to disable it for now)
I made some changes to how it hooks movement/controls to help with compatibility that might affect this
Thanks! I've just tried this out, but unfortunately it does not seem to have helped...
This mixin https://github.com/PieKing1215/InvMove/blob/master/mc1.21/forge/src/main/java/me/pieking1215/invmove/forge/mixin/client/SprintKeyDownMixin.java is breaking standard logic in ToggleKeyMapping
by ignoring the needsToggle
Thanks for the hint, fixed for next release!
(dev build will be here once it completes: https://github.com/PieKing1215/InvMove/actions/runs/13067941271)