Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat

Iris & Oculus Flywheel Compat


Complementary shaders/Euphoria patches

DaddyKami opened this issue ยท 1 comments


please add euphoria patches for complementary shaders, since once you use those all the visual glitches imagineable appear.

would be so amazing for those really enjoying those extra features of shaders together with create


Developer of Euphoria Patches here o/
I hope that some support could be added somehow as many users have reported things to us while we can't do much about it. Current known options that break are: generated normals, coated textures, winter (will be fixed in the next update), and sand and moss noise overlay (will also be fixed in the next update). From what I can see it seems that options that utilize atlasSize break compatibility. So I removed that from the winter, sand, and moss settings for the next update.
As Complementary Support already exists I hope that adding it to Complementary with our Add-On is not too difficult.
If you need any help, I am here to help.
Adding to this: Complementary + Euphoria Patches is a folder and not a ZIP file, in case that matters. Euphoria Patches gets generated via our mod (licensing reasons) as a folder, which also is a valid way to run shaderpacks.