Equipped backpack reverted to previous inventory
clawdude13 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
From out of no where my backpack inventory reverted back to a previous time and i empty the bag and try to un equipped it and did not get the backpack back. So i saved and quit and when i loaded the save i had the backpack equipped somehow. So i un equipped the backpack and made new one and equipped it and was able to acess it and take it on and off but as soon as I save and quit i lose the new backpack and revert back to previous backpack.I am using 2.2.4 version of iron backpacks on 1.10.2
I know it is likely difficult, but any more details about what caused this would help immensely.
For example, what exactly were you doing when the backpack reverted? What were you doing before that? I really want to fix this bug, but it's so inconsistent I can't replicate it, which makes things much harder.
Moving forward, if I can't fix the source of the error soon, I will at least implement a command to unequip the backpack (and have it stay off) so that your world is usable again asap.
I ask you to still reply, but in Issue #62, as that is the same issue (and hence why I am closing this one).