Silver And Copper Ingots are gone!
Afrocntrik opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Copper & Silver Ingots dissappear on startup
Couldn't load item tag c:silver_ingots as it is missing following references: c:silver_ingot (from Iron Chests),#c:silver_ingot (from Iron Chests),c:silver_ingot (from Iron Chests),#c:silver_ingot (from Iron Chests)
Couldn't load item tag c:copper_ingots as it is missing following references: c:copper_ingot (from Iron Chests),#c:copper_ingot (from Iron Chests),c:copper_ingot (from Iron Chests),#c:copper_ingot (from Iron Chests)
Version: IronChest-1.16.2-v1.1.2
These errors are nothing to worry about, it just means you don't have any mods that include silver and copper ingots. IronChests does not provide these ingots for you, it just hooks into any that are using cotton resource. I will look into handling these exceptions if they arise so as to not spam your console on startup. That being said, you can ignore these errors as they are not serious.
[16:30:46] [Worker-Main-13/ERROR]: Couldn't load item tag minecraft:beacon_payment_items as it is missing following references: #c:copper_ingots (from Astromine: Foundations),#c:silver_ingots (from Astromine: Foundations)
[16:30:46] [Worker-Main-13/ERROR]: Couldn't load item tag c:silver_ingots as it is missing following references: c:silver_ingot (from Iron Chests),#c:silver_ingot (from Iron Chests)
[16:30:46] [Worker-Main-13/ERROR]: Couldn't load item tag c:copper_ingots as it is missing following references: c:copper_ingot (from Iron Chests),#c:copper_ingot (from Iron Chests)
[16:30:46] [main/WARN]: Failed to load datapacks, can't proceed with server load. You can either fix your datapacks or reset to vanilla with --safeMode
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Missing required tags: minecraft:item:minecraft:beacon_payment_items
at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet( ~[?:1.8.0_212]
Fabric API: fabric-api-0.21.0+build.407-1.16.jar
Iron Chest: iron-chest-1.1.2.jar
Astromine: astromine-1.10.7+fabric-1.16.3.jar
Edit: Same issue as #8