Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks

Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks


[Suggestion] Disable guide book in inventory by default

MarioSMB opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Feature description

In-game documentation is important, but spawning with an inventory full of guide books from random mods is an overwhelming first impression.
Therefore, I would like to suggest that you consider disabling giving the book by default and instead provide it in some other manner - for example, as loot in villages or as an easy crafting recipe.

Yes, I am aware it can be turned off, but I would encourage you to find more intuitive ways to teach players how to use your mod than with book items dumped into the inventory on spawn.

How it improves the player experience

Guide books only add to early game confusion and clutter while taking away from the immersion.


To be clear, I am very well aware that this book can be disabled with a datapack and I have already done so.
I am making this suggestion to benefit the base mod so that others can have a better experience in the future.


There are a couple of scenarios involving the guidebook that illustrate how this feature is not needed:

  1. You're doing a playthrough primarily or singularly with this mod, so there is no guidebook clutter and the guidebook will be useful
  2. You're playing in a modpack and do not know what this mod is, so the guidebook will be useful because it introduces you into the mod
  3. You're playing in a modpack and the modpack creator doesn't want guidebook clutter, in which case they can turn it off
  4. You didn't install patchouli because you want to preserve "immersion", so there is no guidebook

This will not be worked on


I am sorry to hear that yet another mod will be leaving these annoying books on by default - they are such a poor way to engage the player with the world you're trying to build.

At least a hotbar full of random books the average player will never read isn't as bad as the old days when your entire inventory was packed full of "helpful" items when loading in. Baby steps...

EDIT: Apologies if that comes off as rude, it's just that Patchouli is a hard dependency in some mods and whenever I create a new world my entire hotbar is taken by random flashy guide books that require digging around in datapacks to disable. It's completely unnecessary and the mod is no less intuitive for not including them.