Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks

Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks


Magic bypass_armor

Shadowyjp opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Feature description

-Detailed description of feature
So, instead of magic damage being reduce though generic.armor, it could uses spell_resist

How it improves the player experience

-How this improves the mod
Magic damage is reduced by generic.armor, and I think it would be better if magic spells had the bypass_armor tag. And the way to reduce damage was through attribute spell_resist in armors, artifacts or spells magics that increase the attribute.

-Why this improves the mod
Donest make much sense magic damage being reduce by generic.armor


this will not be done because the magic is designed and balanced to scale with armor. likewise, spell resistance is designed and balanced to be a special buff