Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks

Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks


[Bug] Server config option "Min Rarity" doesn't work

uhloin opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Observed behaviour

Min Rarity server config option doesn't work
In fact, the goal was to make for Blood Needles legendary only level 10 (instead of 9 and 10) by change of min level from uncommon to common.

Expected behaviour

Minimal rarity for level 1 scroll should be changed in the game, and upper levels should change

Steps to reproduce

In the server config file irons_spellbooks-server.toml
In the section [Spells."irons_spellbooks:blood_needles"]
Change value MinRarity from "UNCOMMON" to "COMMON"
Start a game, use JEI to list scrolls of Blood Needles, minimal rarity is still "UNCOMMON"

Server Type

Single Player


No response

Iron's Spells N Spellbooks version


Forge version


Other mods

No response


I cannot reproduce this. Server Configs can be messy. Make sure to edit the file with the world closed, make sure you have the correct spell id, make sure you are editing the correct file, and make sure there are no other typos in the file, to start. Try those and see if it fixes it.



Tried all you said.

  1. Other values change OK (for example Cooldown)
  2. If I edit file without quit game with this mod:
  • file changed, but scroll in JEI is still old
  1. If press "Save and Quit to TItle", change the file with text editor, reload world
  • file changed, but scroll in JEI is still old
  1. If close and RESTART Minecraft - scroll in JEI changed!