Isometric Renders

Isometric Renders


Area render not working fabric 1.19.4

Fish49 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I downloaded isorender but when i try to do an area render it doesnt show the selected area. when i export its just a blank png.


In order to help you out here, I need more context on your setup as well as what the game is doing while trying to create your render. Ideally, send me your latest.log and I can try taking a look - after all, the active support period for 1.19.4 has ended quite a while ago



I am going to elaborate on this, though my game version is Minecraft 1.21 with the mod version being 0.4.7. The issue is when exporting the render to an image, the image itself is blank with no sign of content. I added an image on that should show entirely blank as an example from the output.

This is what my latest.log said when I rendered the images.

[14:23:18] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-2/INFO]: Image C:\Users\Ferin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\renders\.\area_render.png saved

[14:25:10] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3/INFO]: Image C:\Users\Ferin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\renders\.\area_render.png saved

I am also including the file itself for further investigation:


@Ayrolix can you reproduce the problem with a minimal mod set? This smells like a compatibility problem to me, so it would be useful to know which mods are causing trouble


I can also confirm this, although I think I may have found the issue, not entirely sure.

Whenever I render a small scene (like 20x10x20) the 'preview' shows up fine, I can see the blocks, rotate, zoom in and out just fine, but the issue comes when the scene gets larger.

For example a 1000x100x1000 block scene, the preview gets weird, and the preview only shows the chunks that I'm currently in/loaded, or sometimes doesn't show at all. Not sure if showing only the chunks that are rendered is intended though

And another thing I've found is that when the coordinates I put in are outside my render distance, the axle/centre gets shifted to somewhere that isn't the centre of my selection(I think it's where I'm currently standing), so when I rotate it, it is rotating, but rotating outside the selected chunks, meaning whatever I want to render, is outside of my screen.

I don't know if this is something to do with my mods (majority are optimisation mods) or my slow computer

Here's a video, I'm standing in the bottom right, and there is a huge area missing which is selected, not showing in the preview
