Isometric Renders

Isometric Renders


Fluids Not Rendering

AriaElidove opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Attempted to render a waterlogged stair and it simply did not show the water. The only work around for this I have found is to do an Area Render instead.

Using v0.4.7 on 1.20.4.


This isn't really a bug or a missing feature as much as it is a consequence of how waterlogged blocks work. The fluid is indeed not actually part of the block and drawn in an entirely separate stage of terrain rendering - which is why it doesn't show when rendering just the block.

Given how trivial this is to work around by doing single-block area render I also don't see any reason to invest effort into "fixing" it. I will however add a small snippet to the documentation to let users know that they should do that instead
