It Takes a Pillage

It Takes a Pillage


Compatibility with fresh animations

vivagabe opened this issue · 2 comments


Describe the Suggestion

The archer mob isn’t compatible. I was told this from the FA discord: They must load the evoker model. Also, this mod doesn't output any cem with EMF.

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本来想开这个问题的。 弓箭手似乎加载了 掠夺者军团唤起者 ,而斯基米赫则没有动画模型。 (与FA)

+1 表示 EMF 输出。我认为将它们与普通模型分开会很棒,这样我们就可以在资源包中完全支持它们:)

Does the textures of legioner and archers went wrong because of fresh animation or pillager theme texture pack?


Was about to open this issue.
Archer seems to load evoker
Legioner the pillager
and Skirmicher doesn't have an animated model. (with FA)

+1 for the EMF output. I think that would be great to have them seperate from vanilla models so we can fully support them in ressrouces packs :)