Common items have borders even though the config says otherwise.
Drigonis opened this issue ยท 2 comments
# If the hotbar should display item borders.
hotbar = true
# If item borders should show for common items.
show_for_common = false
# If the borders should have square corners.
square_corners = true
# If the borders should fully envelop item slots (otherwise they will only show on the bottom portion of the slot).
full_border = false
# If the borders draw over items instead of under.
over_items = false
# If the borders should have a more prominent glow.
extra_glow = false
# If automatic borders (based on item rarity) should be enabled.
auto_borders = true
This is my config. As you can see, "show_for_common" is set to false. However, it's still showing the borders (see in this image):
This may be because of the custom GUI, but I'm not sure. (FABRIC)
Could you please post your latest.log file? Also, what texture pack are you using?