Item Scroller

Item Scroller


1.17 snapshot masscraft duplication with a stackable and an unstackable item

enteranewusernamechangemyusername opened this issue ยท 0 comments


expected behavior: the items are crafted together and there are none created

actual behavior: the stackable item in the crafting grid duplicated a very large amount of items

mods used:

  • itemscroller-fabric-1.17-snap-20w51a-0.15.0-dev.20201218.025932.jar

  • malilib-fabric-1.17-snap-20w51a-0.10.0-dev.21+beta.1.jar

steps to reproduce:

  1. fill 35 inventory slots with a random item

  2. put a stack or so of dye furnaces, tnt, hoppers, or tnt in the 36th slot

  3. drop around 64 minecarts or beds (for dye) on the ground

  4. arrange the items in a crafting table so that the stackable is on top of the unstackable

  5. masscraft
    the stackable item generates an insane amount of items
    2021-01-19_23 25 07