Item Scroller

Item Scroller


Item Scrolling doesn't keep it's function

goldern opened this issue · 1 comments


While scrolling the mouse wheel up, the item goes from my inventory to target inventory fine,
Scrolling down it picks the item inventory.
Fine until that point, when I put the mouse inside the target inventory, it inverts the outcome, scrolling the mouse wheel up it goes from the target inventory to my inventory, instead of keeping the default behavior, and the inversion configs does not fix that behavior, it just inverts everything.


  • - Scroll up in your inventory, item goes from your inventory to target inventory
  • - Scroll down in your inventory, item goes from your inventory to target inventory
  • - Scroll up in target inventory, item goes from your inventory to target inventory
  • - Scroll down in target inventory, item goes from target inventory to your inventory

The scroll up action is by default defined as "send to other inventory" and scroll down as "pull to this slot/inventory". There is an option in the Generic configs (I + C -> Generic) to use "slot position aware scrolling direction", which should do what you want.