Item Scroller

Item Scroller


Mass crafting recipe view doesn't save over sessions

MqcCheeze opened this issue ยท 2 comments



When I close Minecraft for the day and come back the next day, or a crash occurs, the recipe view doesn't save the crafting recipes I've created. Is this an issue or a feature, and is there anyway to disable it clearing itself upon exit


The recipes are supposed to get saved.

First check that you don't have the I + C -> Generic -> craftingRecipesSaveToFile option disabled.

Next check if you have a file in .minecraft/itemscroller/ corresponding to your world or server name. I think one case that might be problematic is if you play on a Realm server ,as they don't have static IPs. If it's an issue with some special characters in the world name or you are on a Realm, then you can try enabling the other shown option, craftingRecipesSaveFileIsGlobal. That would not use a per-world or per-server file name but just a common file name, which would also mean the recipes are shared between any worlds you play in.


Nice, it works now, I must have disabled it by accident randomly. Thanks