Item Stages

Item Stages


Problems on my server while trying to make a modpack.

Mortismorte opened this issue ยท 15 comments


I'm making a modpack using itemstages 1.12.2 1.0.28, in single player it works fine (after I turn off creative mode) but on the server all that works right is the hiding in jei.


Does the server also have CraftTweaker, GameStages, ItemStages, and all the scripts?


yes it does


I double checked, and yes they are all there.


would dimension stages or recipe stages cause any conflicts?


No, they would not cause conflict. I have checked with multiple servers and they are using the mod just fine. Are you testing in creative mode? Items will not be dropped if you are in creative.


I do start in creative, then leave creative, then set me to not have the stage then deop myself.
then try the items. I've tried throwing them to another person helping me, also not in creative or opped. and he was able to hold/place the items.


Ok I found right away using both server and client:
minecraft 1.12.2

With mods:

and it still is letting normal survival players (not even mentioned in ops.json) hold and place restricted items. It does rename them to restricted and give all that info, but they can hold/place and presumably wear restricted items as if they were not.


Can you please upload the craftweaker.log file from the server?


Trying something now, took a long look at craft tweaker's log and found that I may have had a punctuation error. Hope this fixes it.

Edit: Well I fixed the missing quote and still not working right. As far as i can tell on my end that leaves a mod interation fault, and will have to slowly reload the server with the mods until I find the one causing the problem, let you know when I find out.



Here is the log from the test server with just the 4 mods


Thanks. So based on this script stone is the only staged item?


yes - as i was going to test adding mods to see if there was a bad interaction, took out mod tweaker, and dimension and recipe stages when I couldn't get it to work with just those in it. Then same thing.


also if necessary I can let you try on the test server or give you sub admin to it (i use akliz) so you can better see what's happening on the non programming end


Sorry for taking so long to fix this issue, it was such a silly mistake on my part and none of the people I asked were using this version. I have tested this on a local server I set up and it should completely solve the issue. Please let me know how it goes. You can get the patched version here


No worries, it happens to all of us, specially if you've been working or coding all day and finally go to fix an issue but are tired etc.....

Works just fine on the small testing server.

And is now partially working in my modpack developement server.

Not sure if it is because of the item types of the items involved, one places like a block the other gets placed inside of the first.

Not sure how familiar you are with sky resources 2?

The frames and tools get chucked while, the combustion heater, condenser and dirty gems do not
this may need to go under a seperate issue as it's prolly they way the added in the items?

edit: I'll try to add some of them in indivually, instead of just under the mod and see if that works.

edit edit: sorry took so long with 248 mods in the pack it takes awhile to restart it. So, yes if I individually add the item in it does work. Not sure if the mod locking is only handling the blocks and tools and not things like ingots, dusts, etc... which is more what these are like.