stageModItems does not work correctly for items with Tags
clubpetey opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Using AgriCraft as an example...
Executing mods.ItemStages.stageModItems("one", "agricraft") does correctly stage the basic Wooden Irrigation Channel with recipe name
But does not stage the variants of the tunnel with different wood types. Such as
<agricraft:water_channel_normal>.withTag({agri_material_meta: 8, agri_material: "chisel:planks-spruce"})
the difference seems to be the ones that aren't staged have ".WithTag()"
You can use :* to stage all of the sub variants of an item. You can also stage things with partial NBT instead of using the exact nbt.
That works for items, but I'm trying to stage all the items for a mod with stageModItems. Are you suggesting:
mods.ItemStages.stageModItems("one", "agricraft:*")
If you want to stage everything in a mod, there is another function for that. mods.ItemStages.stageModItems("one", "agricraft");