Jade ๐Ÿ”

Jade ๐Ÿ”


Suspicious Sand shows up as Sand

bernzrdo opened this issue ยท 7 comments


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Modloader version

Loader 0.14.21 + API 0.83.0

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  • Can you reproduce this issue with relevant mods only?

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Issue description

Notice how I'm facing suspicious sand and it displays as "Sand".

2023-06-08_18 46 05


this is a feature


could there be at least an option to turn it off? someone who has blurry vision and uses this mod to narrate which blocks are they looking at will never know the difference between suspicious sand and sand. this is not very accessible.


I will soon add a detector to automatically turn it off. But an option? No. Because Mojang does not provide an option to highlight these blocks, doesn't it? But they can already solve it themselves by replacing the textures.


just seems weird to install a mod that displays the name of the block I'm looking at and it fails to display suspicious sand ๐Ÿคท but wtv


You can still see the real name in creative or spectator mode. Let me be clearer, I don't want people to use this mod to gain an apparently unnecessary advantage and it will make the game experience worse, even if it is the player's choice.


Id like to say that the value of the games experience is ultimately up to the player, and having config options allows for players to enjoy the game more. I personally would love to have suspicious blocks displayed to me, and I understand that it would give me an "unnecessary" advantage, but they arent a block thats trying to disguise themselves super well like infested blocks are. For me, it just helps me remind me what the block is (Most of the reason I have jade installed). Much less for someone like the poster here, who has trouble identifying blocks by texture.
If you want, you could make it controlled by the server. So clients joining vanilla servers, or servers with it disabled, wont be able to see that it is a suspicious block. Thus removing any advantage over other players on the server. I agree that everyone should be on a level playing field.

Understandable if you still dont want to add it as a config, its your mod after all. Just wanted to share my opinion on the matter.


I can appreciate your desire to keep things fair, but not displaying this is not preventing any type of advantage. You can literally use the F3 menu to see that you are looking at suspicious sand or gravel instead of normal sand or gravel. I could understand if this wasn't being shown in the F3 menu that you would feel this way. Just like all the other blocks, you can technically use the F3 menu to see what block you are looking at, and to me the idea of this mod is just to make that process easier. Technically these suspicious blocks have slightly different textures, however there are folks like me that suffer from visual impairments that make noticing these differences much more difficult and having the ability to more easily check if the block is one to brush via the mod instead of trying to use the F3 menu would be a tremendous help, especially when trying to do this at the bottom of the ocean. Personally, I think that there should at least be an option to show this information. As I stated above, this would not really provide any advantage to a player that they wouldn't also get by using the F3 menu to check what block they are looking at and would help those of us with visual impairments actually have a fair chance at finding these types of blocks against those that have better vision and can notice the small differences in textures.

This is just my opinion on the matter, and I do love the mod overall, but find this aspect a bit annoying and less than helpful. Unfortunately, I haven't found any other mod that does this that has been updated for 1.20.2 for Fabric which is why I am instead trying to make a case for at least making it a player selectable option.