Jade ๐Ÿ”

Jade ๐Ÿ”


Jade mixin injection fail

WallyWhip opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Mod loader


Minecraft version


Mod version


Modloader version

Forge 46.01 and 46.0.10

Modpack info

No response

If bug:

  • Can you reproduce this issue with relevant mods only?

If bug: The latest.log file


Issue description

In Dev environment Im trying to update my mod to 1.20. When I include Jade (which I have for previous versions of my mod) I get critical mixin errors from Jade for Minecraft 1.20


Maybe Ive done something wrong, not updated something? Tried with Forge 46.0.1 and 46.0.10


So I updated to Minecraft 1.20.1 and Jade 1.20.1, and all seems to be fine. So I don't really know what was happening

I have a couple of other projects that have Jade integration so I will keep an eye on it, but for now all is good


I have no clue about this so far. If anyone has the same problem, a reply would be appreciated

But it seems that this method exists:


given you access to my very small project in case you want to have a look


it looks good


yep, jade is also causing my game to fail to initialize and crash, i can send you the modpack list of mods and crash report


yep, jade is also causing my game to fail to initialize and crash, i can send you the modpack list of mods and crash report

Yes, please


nvm, my whole modpack is buggy, even though it runs without jade, other mods arent working properly so could be something else, jade works fine on my other modpack


Just to note that I added One Probe support to my CardboardBox mod and Jade is now giving the same mixin issue - I removed all One Probe references and Jade still gives the same mixin error

really dont know whats happening

I should state this is just in DEV that the error happens, seems to run fine outside DEV


so I think Ive cured this

I added the following to my build gradle and re-ran genintellijruns and a project that previously failed now works

            property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true'
            property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${buildDir}/createSrgToMcp/output.srg"

The project that failed does not use mixins but this seems to work - got the idea from reading the Curios wiki - my failed project does not use Curios, but I thought I would make this change anyway


It seems I can no longer access your repo.


it still shows you as a collaborator? - my projects are private now because of someone blatently stealing a mod of mine and CurseForge doing nothing about it

