Jade ๐Ÿ”

Jade ๐Ÿ”


Incorrect item amount displayed for Create's Vaults

MaximilienMoritz opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Mod loader


Minecraft version


Mod version


Modloader version

Forge 43.3.0

Modpack info

No response

If bug:

  • Can you reproduce this issue with relevant mods only?

If bug: The latest.log file


Issue description

When looking at a vault, Jade is not able to display the correct amount of items inside after Create's config for Vault sizes has been changed. This can be verified by hooking up a display link to a Smart Observer and setting it to "show item count".

Jade seems to still consider the vaults to be in their original config (ie. 20 stacks/vault block), and thus the tooltip shows incorrect values.


Jade 1.20+ has added support for large item storage. Currently, there are no plans to backport it to 1.19.2.


@Snownee Could Jade be amended, so it shows a different text or no text at all?

Maybe one of these alternatives instead:

  • Show the text minimum 10,3k [item name]
  • Show the text:
    • Line 1: 10,3k [item name]
    • Bottom line: (not all items shown)
  • or just not supported.

... or something else

Rather have missing or incomplete information than wrong information. It is very confusing when Jade lies about the amount in the container.