Jade ๐Ÿ”

Jade ๐Ÿ”


Inventory blacklist not working in `jade_plugins.json`

Adam-Kay opened this issue ยท 13 comments


Edit: Correction in title: jade_plugins.json โ†’ jade_addons.toml

Mod loader


Minecraft version


Mod version


Modloader version

Forge 40.2.4

Modpack info

No response

If bug:

  • Can you reproduce this issue with relevant mods only?

If bug: The latest.log file


Issue description

The blacklist section of jade_plugins.json jade_addons.toml does not appear to work for excluding certain inventories.

I was trying to remove a modded inventory block from showing its contents in Jade, and noticed that adding the ID to the blacklist didn't seem to do anything in Jade. I tested it using a vanilla block (in this case the minecraft chest), and it still doesn't do anything.

I also changed the normalShowAmount to test that the config was being loaded correctly, and it was (can see in the screenshots, the show amount was limited to 5).

jade_plugins.json jade_addons.toml configuration

[click to show]
	#Range: 0 ~ 54
	sneakShowAmount = 54
	#Range: 0 ~ 54
	normalShowAmount = 5
	#Range: 1 ~ 18
	showItemPreLine = 9
	blacklist = ["minecraft:chest"]
	bypassLockedContainer = false

	onlyShowVanilla = false
	blacklist = ["thermal"]



Am I configuring the TOML file wrong somehow, or does blacklist not work the way I thought it would? Or is it just a bug in this version? I have the latest version of Jade for 18.2 .


The config file content looks good to me. I have no idea why

Just tried it on a fresh install with only the latest Forge (40.2.17) and Jade (-1.18.2-forge-5.3.1.jar) and modified the configuration in the same way. Still no luck.

I then deleted the .toml file, and restarted with Refined Storage added (since I noticed that the default config is blacklist = ["refinedstorage:disk_drive"]). Configuration toml regenerated as normal, I placed a disk drive in the world and it still doesn't work:



IIRC this config file should be jade-addons.toml, not jade_plugins.json


IIRC this config file should be jade-addons.toml, not jade_plugins.json

Sorry, that's a mistype on my part when writing out the issue. The file was indeed jade-addons.toml.


The problem still persists.


The config file content looks good to me. I have no idea why


Ok, so this bug has been around since 1.14


Good news - this now works with standard chests and iron chests in the latest Jade (thank you for the fix!).

Is there a way to assign a tag to this blacklist? In my case I want to do all of the storage drawers, for which the tag is #storagedrawers:drawers, but I don't seem to be able to get that to work.


In fact, even trying to assign one of the storagedrawers blocks (in this case storagedrawers:oak_full_drawers_4) doesn't seem to work.


They are block entity ids, not block ids


They are block entity ids, not block ids

Does this mean it isn't possible with storage drawers, or there is a different kind of ID I need to find/use?


You can press F3+I on the block and you can see the id


Thank you. Pressing F3+I on my test drawer gives me the following copied to my clipboard:

/setblock 33 63 8 storagedrawers:oak_full_drawers_4[facing=south]{Drawers:[{Count:256,Item:{Count:1b,id:"minecraft:oak_log"}},{Count:196,Item:{Count:1b,id:"minecraft:bone"}},{Count:129,Item:{Count:1b,id:"minecraft:peony"}},{Count:258,Item:{Count:1b,id:"minecraft:calcite"}}],Upgrades:[{Count:1b,Slot:0b,id:"storagedrawers:emerald_storage_upgrade"}]}

So it seems the block ID is storagedrawers:oak_full_drawers_4, which is what I have in the TOML file.

blacklist = ["minecraft:chest", "storagedrawers:oak_full_drawers_4"]

Sorry, I was wrong. Can't come up with a way to see the id then


Thank you! This also conveniently does all of the standard drawers of that kind no matter what the wood type, so I don't have to do the tag idea anymore.

I appreciate the help!