Japanese Food Mod

Japanese Food Mod


Errors when placing and breaking blocks

messmerd opened this issue ยท 1 comments


There are some serious bugs that are occurring when I place and break blocks.

When I place blocks like the wooden bucket and presser (and probably other blocks, though I've only tested the wooden bucket and presser), they do not always disappear from my inventory. And when I try to break a block that I've placed, they appear to be destroyed, but I can still collide with them even though they should be destroyed. Also, when I try to place another block in the empty space where it used to be, the destroyed block appears again. However, if I use the "/setblock" command to destroy it rather than a tool, the block is destroyed without any problems.

I'm using Japanese Food Mod version 1.0.3 for Minecraft 1.16.1, and my Forge version is 32.0.66.


I tried using the same version of the mod and forge, but I couldn't confirm that. The other possible causes are another mod or a version of Java.