The text for gui.jei.category.fuel.smeltCount/gui.jei.category.fuel.smeltCount.single doesn't wrap and goes outside the GUI in some languages.
I've tried adding newlines (\n) to the language file to no avail.
Pictured: English, German, Swedish and Polish
mezz commented
Thanks for the report!
I have made the recipe size depend on the language, so it'll measure the length of the string and make the recipe wider.
You'll still have to stay within the GUI width but that should buy you a lot of space.
Greg-21 commented
Oh, thanks for the reminder. As a workaround, I planned to shorten the Polish "Przetapia przedmiotów: %s" and leave only "Przetapia: %s" (Eng. "Smelts: %s"). It will reduce clarity, but it's still better than having text longer than the recipe frames and even the entire GUI.