Just Enough Items (JEI)

Just Enough Items (JEI)


Jei refuses to load, whenever minecraft would finish loading, it crashes instead even when it is the only mod on. I have been having this issue since 1.16.4. I can't figure out why it won't load or how to fix it. https://gist.github.com/KritantaMabuz/213ef4eb92efdfe45d91fe39e977ebdd

KritantaMabuz opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Thank you for reporting!

For issues:

  • If the issue seems to affect only one mod, report to them instead of here.
  • Remove NEI and FEI to see if they are causing the issue before reporting.
  • If you crashed, please paste the crash log to gist and link it here.

For suggestions:


This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.


Thanks for the report!
Please include a log where JEI is the only mod active. This crash log is filled with errors from other mods, so it is not possible to interpret.


Once again the logs came up with serene seasons, better default biomes, and others. I don't know why they keep showing up when I watch the loading screen, and they don't appear in the loading mods section but they are showing in the crash logs. I don't know why they do that.


I restarted and fully updated my computer, the game still crashed, I didn't see anything pointing to any other mod in the crash log. Hopefully this helps. https://gist.github.com/KritantaMabuz/8d61161eca216fb117d794cd4f1995d3


I think that is part of the problem, it crashed with the other mods on so I took all but JEI off then reloaded it again, when it crashed I copied the logs and after posting them here, I looked it over and saw all the other mods. I'll do it again and post the logs and see if anything has changed.


It seems like something is breaking when it loads the config file. Try deleting the JEI config files and see if it still crashes.


It loaded properly thank you. I did two test runs by itself and with other mods, it worked.