[1.16.5] Cannot open the JEI menu, and I don't know why
the-lpsilva opened this issue ยท 8 comments
In 1.16.5, when I open the inventory in survival mode, the JEI menu doesn't appear.
I've tried to use all possible commands, but it doesn't work.
What must be the problem?
I think this is some ploy to get people to download the Configured mod. There is an in-game JEI button that doesn't work... it just tells you to download the Configured mod. When you download the Configured mod, the button still says to download the configured mod. You have to go back to the main menu, search for JEI in the mods button, edit the config manually, and then reload your world. So what is the point of the in-game JEI config button? It's a conspiracy I tell ya.
I'm only half joking.
I've noticed the JEI menu working again in jei-1.16.5-
. I'd recommend testing with that version and the Configured mod @the-lpsilva and closing this issue if it's resolved, to help the mod author focus on new issues.
Having the same issue here and I don't have Advent of Ascension. debug.log
Unfortunately this debug log seems to be truncated, can you upload your latest.log instead?
Having the same issue here and I don't have Advent of Ascension.
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