Just Enough Items (JEI)

Just Enough Items (JEI)


[Bug]: Common-API is not published with intermediate mappings (Fabric)

ICY105 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Steps to Reproduce the Bug

Implement JEI in a fabric mod that is not using parchment mappings. The fabric example mod is sufficient.

Expected Behavior

Adding JEI to a project should remap the API to your project's mappings.

Actual Behavior

Remapping works for the fabric-api, however the common-api does not have intermediate mappings and is stuck on parchment. For example, the method getPluginUid(), claims to require the return type net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation which doesn't exist, instead of net.minecraft.util.Identifier which is the same class under Yarn mappings.

Mod Pack URL (Optional)

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Mod Pack Version (Optional)

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