Just Enough Items (JEI)

Just Enough Items (JEI)


[Crash]: Crash on client startup

Jurand20012 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Steps to Reproduce the Crash

Currently playing a modified pack, and it crashes on load, and according to the game its caused by JEI

Mod Pack URL (Optional)

No response

Mod Pack Version (Optional)

No response

Extra Notes (Optional)

in the crash log, it suspects Drippy Loading Scree, but even when I tried without it, it still fails

Crash Report



Thanks for the report!

It seems like another mod is conflicting with JEI or causing an issue here.
Please try to see if this bug happens with JEI alone, and then try removing mods to figure out which one is causing a problem.

If you find that there is only one other mod causing an issue, please report it to them and link back here.
Otherwise if you still can't figure it out, please paste your new crash log and client logs here, and I can help debug or find the right place to report to.


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