Just Enough Items (JEI)

Just Enough Items (JEI)


[Suggestion]: Change default keybind

Unleashed75 opened this issue ยท 6 comments



A simple suggestion to change the default keybind for Search, from "F" to any other key that is not used by Minecraft's Default keys.
In my opinion, no mods should be using the same keybinds as Minecraft's default keys unless they know they don't interfere with their use.

I use F to change items into my offhand In and Out of my inventory.
This mod interferes with how efficient this keybind is. Yes I can change it but by default, I shouldn't have to.
Overlapping keybinds with other mods is normal but with Minecraft... shouldn't happen.


Thanks for the report!
The default keybind is CMD-F or CTRL-F.
This works by default in Forge and NeoForge.
If you are using Fabric, you will need to install the AMECS mod to add support for keybinds with modifiers (CMD/CTRL/SHIFT, etc).


Then it must be a bug because with just these installed, it doesn't work how you say;

Fabric Loader 0.16.5 for 1.21
Fabric API 0.103.0+1.21
Just Enough Items

As you can see in the image, the default key shows it as 'F'

Pressing Ctrl+F does place the cursor into the search bar and makes it ready for text to be entered but pressing 'F' on it's own not only opens the search bar, but also enters the letter F.


On a side note. Modrinth wants me to update to, even though it is not listed on the app and it listed on the main website for version 1.21.X which would mean it's for versions 1.21.1 and after right?


While I understand you saying I need to install the AMECS mod to add support for keybinds with modifiers, this is not mentioned in the description.
This adds more reason to change the default key away from what the default game uses and so it doesn't have to use this extra mod? I would also add that other mods such as Minihud do not use an extra mod other than their own config mod.

Sorry for the late replies. Keep up the great work and thank you.

Just looked up Amecs. It's not updated for 1.21 or beyond


Staying up to date; Version

When in my inventory and I hoover over an item and press F, (Minecraft's default key to place items into offhand)
The item still does not get placed into my offhand.
Instead the JEI search bar is selected and F is entered.
This is really getting tiresome to press O to hide the mod (if it's not hidden from another time) and then press F.

Again, Amecs is not updated for 1.21+


I feel this needs upgrading to a BUG.
While writing in the search bar, the F key will take you out of it. Making it impossible to search with some words.
I think I need to remove this mod from our modpacks, for our users and with the latest issue I have posted about using the mod on a server, being unable to join without this mod, I think I'll have to remove it from the server too.

I hope these issues are simple to fix once found.


Thanks for the report! The default keybind is CMD-F or CTRL-F. This works by default in Forge and NeoForge. If you are using Fabric, you will need to install the AMECS mod to add support for keybinds with modifiers (CMD/CTRL/SHIFT, etc).

Could you put this in the description of the mod, please? Or on the popup when hoverinng over the keyind?
I have been looking for one and a half hour to find this, using fabric.
So maybe to evade other users in the future?
Thanks in any case