Jewelrycraft 2

Jewelrycraft 2


Unicode Font Issue

oldjunyi opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello sor1n,
I am here to report some issues related with Unicode font.

  1. The text scale ratio in handbook is 0.75. Please change it to the default ratio (1.0), any scale ratio less than 1.0 will make Unicode font broken (even in 1600 x 900, Large GUI mode):
    2015-12-01_19 30 03
  2. Do not use "String[] s = text.split(" ");" to separate words. Since there is no space characters in Asian language (maybe in many other languages). Use FontRenderer.listFormattedStringToWidth instead. In the screenshot above, you can find some lines of text out of the page.

Thank you for letting me know as well as providing a way to fix this :) I will get to it when I have some more free time this week. Also, the reason the scale is .75 is to fit more stuff on the page and make it more readable. In English 1.0 is far too big in my opinion and reducing the actual font size to a lower value makes it even more unreadable.