Crash during world load
Tyrius1 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Forge 36.2.2
Minecraft 1.16.5
Jobs 2.0
This issue does not come from the Jobs mod, as you can see in the error stacktrace, because all the errors are occuring in classes from this package : com.bottomtextdanny.dannys_expansion.core. Jobs is incompatible with this mod, but I cannot do anything about it. Ask the author of the dannys_expansion mod to update its code to make it compatible with other Player Capabilities.
I hope this message helped you, but I cannot fix this issue myself
Jobs is also incompatible with curios api and occultism. Dropping Danny's Expansion and Occultism both are worth considering but dropping Curios means dropping the dozens of mods that rely on it. Just a heads up.
Send me the crash report where you see that Jobs is incompatible with curios, I'll check if I can do something about it.