JourneyMap Integration

JourneyMap Integration


Display settings are not saved

Zenor113 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


If I hide one of the overlays, such as the FTBChunks or Waystones, then quit and reload the overlay is automatically re-enabled.

While the integrations are useful, I do not need them showing on the minimap so I keep them hidden until needed. If you could make it so it saves the hidden state between sessions then I would really appreciate it.

Additionally, if possible with the current Journeymap API, it would be nice to have a separate display setting for the minimaps/full screen map. So for example, waystones could be hidden on the minimap while remaining visible on the fullscreen map.

Overall I do really like the integrations you have added, I am just a bit lazy at times. So if you can save me from manually adjusting the display settings each time then that would be perfect.



Bug report please open a new issue and you guys does not event provide your game version or mod version


Can also add to this. I'm a modpack creator and I'm making a server for this modpack as well. I protect public areas like spawn with FTB Chunks. The problem is that claims overlay creates a lot of lag, while rendering on a minimap: disabling it increases the FPS by a bit more than 2x, while the whole minimap is displaying one big claim.
However, as stated in the original text of this issue, this overlay keeps turning back on... Really would love for it to be fixed or, maybe, lags reduced somehow


May be related - toggling the FTB chunks overlay off & then entering another dimension toggles the overlay back on, but the button continues to incorrectly reflect an off state