Joy of Painting

Joy of Painting


[Joy of Painting] option to change Ctrl+Z Key?

Burgersim opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi there, maybe I am mistaken, but it seems the Ctrl+Z option to undo painting is "hardcoded" to a certain keyboard key, which means, for me on a german keyboard it's actually using ctrl+y. Is there a way to change that key? And if not, would it be possible to implement a config option or anything like that?

Thanks in advance ^^


Can you tell me which version you are playing? Also could you describe the problem a bit more clearly? I tested on 1.20.1 with the windows onscreen keyboard set to german, and on that layout there is Y in place of Z at the bottom left corner, and pressing ctrl (strg) + Y acted as undo, which is the desirable outcome because it is the same physical motion. How does it work in your case exactly?


Sorry to necro this post, but while Ctrl+Y on a German keyboard is the same finger position as Ctrl+Z on an English keyboard most programs actually go with Ctrl+Z (even if the keyboard is German) for undo operations.
And most German people do learn to do the German Ctrl+Z finger position (which would be Ctrl+Y on an English one).