Joy of Painting

Joy of Painting


[Music Mod Maker] Suggestion: compatible with Sound Physics Remastered reverb

LoriKat opened this issue ยท 1 comments


My suggestion, if possible, is to make it so that when I use a music sheet on an instrument, it can be compatible with the reverb effects in Sound Physics mod, or any sound mod that adds reverberations.
I played with this mod along with Sound Physics Remastered, which could make sounds reverb in places like caves. The reverb works when I play on the piano manually, but not when I use a music sheet with it. By the way, this only happens with the piano to my knowledge; I also played the guitar in the same setting with the same music sheet and the reverb worked!
It doesn't have to be done, but it would be cool if I could hear my piano sheet music echo through the halls :)


I tested with that mod and you are right, it seems to work when playing with an instrument at hand but not when playing on a block instrument. Music boxes also don't seem to work. It's strange because in the code the sound is played the same way, just at a different position so it should logically work the same way. I enabled rendering debug lines in Sound Physics Remastered and it even shows the same reflection lines on a placed piano but it doesn't sound the same. This may be something to do with Sound Physics Remastered itself.