- 3
Tooltips overlap Mine & Slash stat tooltips
#1 opened by WenXin20 - 2
Cushions Don't Display Hwyla Info
#2 opened by WenXin20 - 1
Suggestion: Placeable Teapot
#3 opened by IdrisQe - 3
blockColors crash if another mod errors
#4 opened by WenXin20 - 0
Long Notes For Music Maker?
#5 opened by nearlyNonexistent - 1
Crash with latest version of Forge
#6 opened by RodrigoTaipe93 - 6
No grass seeds
#7 opened by cdevine-xom - 4
Player advancement crash with latest 1.14.4 update
#9 opened by sixtymillionsqrd - 1
[Suggestions] 1.15.2
#10 opened by D-Bigboy-302 - 4
(1.12) palette has no recipe
#11 opened by majijn - 3
Seems like the config file for 1.14 doesn't actually apply it's settings.
#12 opened by iamSleepl3ss - 4
Increase rarity of enchantments
#13 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 2
Dispenser support for confetti
#14 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
Unable to eat apple/sweetberry pie
#15 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 2
[xercamod-1.16.3-1.0] Teacups are consumed with tea
#16 opened by Thaumatarge - 1
[xercamod-1.16.3-1.0] Add option to disable knife damage when crafting
#17 opened by Thaumatarge - 0
JEI doesn't work when quark is installed
#18 opened by D-Bigboy-302