Failed to start game with error
Shroototem opened this issue ยท 4 comments
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class com.google.common.jimfs.SystemJimfsFileSystemProvider cannot access a member of class com.google.common.jimfs.JimfsFileSystem with modifiers "public"
Minecraft 1.16.2
Forge 33.0.20
Fabric Loader 0.9.2+build.206
Java jdk-11.0.8
OS Windows 10 Pro
Could you send a full log? Which launcher are you using, and are you using a non-standard JDK distribution? (e.g. OpenJ9/Zulu instead of Hotspot)
I'm using the MultiMc Launcher with a Hotspot JDK.
It seems that I'm an idiot and didn't read the description correctly... I had Fabric enabled before starting the game. Sorry for the nonsense.