Just Enough Calculation

Just Enough Calculation


Nutrition Module in Crafting Calc

DFliyerz opened this issue ยท 4 comments


The Nutrition Module from the Calculator mod keeps showing up in random slots in the Crafting Calculator, and clicking it too much causes a crash.

Edit: Another crash, this time when trying to save a recipe. http://pastebin.com/Fak9399Q


Thanks for report!

For the item rendering issue, actually it has been reported about half a year ago #6 , but it seems to happen not frequently and I myself am trying to reproduce it but didn't succeed. I have been will continue trying to locate the problem but I cannot promise to fix it very soon.

For the second crash, it seems more like a bug caused by my poor coding. Can you describe more about it? What's the recipe like? Does it crash for every recipe or just certain recipes?


It was the recipe for the Calculator Plug from the Calculator mod.


Ok, I will test it.


Now the nutrition module problem has been fixed but I'm not able to reproduce the crash when saving the recipe. This issue has been moved to #18 , you can keep an eye on it.