Just Enough Calculation

Just Enough Calculation


suggestion for a new calculator

larskr96 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


hello, I have a suggestion and that is to add a mass calculator that calculates multiple things at once
that would be good if your making a build and you now what you want to make but dont now how much resurses it will take.
btw sorry for the bad english


Thanks for the suggestion.
Umm, I guess I understand what you mean. I will keep it in the plan.
Let be give you a simple workaround. For example, you want to calculate 10 ladders and 20 torches. Then you can choose one item as a "label", for example, apple, and record a recipe that takes 10 ladders and 20 torches as input and one apple as output. Finally, calculate the cost for an apple, you should get what you want.


Maybe you can give the new version a try. There is a workaround for such problems. Try to watch the update video for instructions on how to use. Any comments are welcomed.


Since the label system is out for a while, I'm going to close this issue.
Open another issue for further discussion if any.