Just Enough Dimensions

Just Enough Dimensions


Example script to override overworld?

resinate opened this issue ยท 2 comments


is there a way you can provide a custom script for overriding the overworld. im having issues making it work.
i havent seen any tut videos on it


Do you use Discord? If you do, we could talk about this on my server here: https://discorg.gg/2FgywHj

If not, then could you describe what you are trying to accomplish exactly? Overriding the overworld (dimension 0) has a lot more potential for problems that just using custom dimensions. So I'd usually recommend trying to find a way to do what you want by using custom dimensions, possibly initial spawn dimension overriding etc. first.

But if you need to override the overworld, all you should need is two things (in addition to creating any other custom dimension):

  • Enable dimension overriding in the main justenoughdimensions.cfg config file (or via the in-game config menu in single player)
  • Add the "override": true key/value on the main level of the dimension's entry in the dimensions.json config for dimension 0. Of course you will then also need to have the dimensiontype values etc. set according to the type of dimension you want it to be.

yea thats what i dont get thats why i was asking for a quick example so i can learn off it lol im on discord tho
also does this mod work with biometweaker?
and is there a way to make something that players can make/craft to warp to custom dimensions?

but yea the im trying to do is simply change fog/sky colors for nether and overworld to make them a bit darker. a buddy of mine hasnt been online in months built a mod like that for me on 1.7.10 lol