Just Enough Dimensions

Just Enough Dimensions


Setting a dim to only use one biome not working

MechWarrior99 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I copy and pasted your example scripts of how to do it but it did not work, I trieda couple of other things(like using the id instead of the name). But it didn't work. help
"dimensions": [
"dim": 9,
"id": 9,
"name": "Test dim 9",
"suffix": "dim9",
"keeploaded": false,
"worldprovider": "WorldProviderHellJED"
"worldinfo": {}
"dim": 8,
"biome": "desert",
"dimensiontype": {
"id": 8,
"name": "Test Dim 8",
"suffix": "_dim8",
"keeploaded": false,
"worldprovider": "WorldProviderSurfaceJED"
"worldinfo": {
"JED": {
"ForceGameMode": true,
"SkyColor": "99ff99",
"FogColor": "bbbbff",
"SkyRenderType": 1,
"SkyDisableFlags": 0
"worldinfo_onetime": {
"RandomSeed": "Not Foo Bar",
"GameType": 1

Minecraft: 1.10.2
JED: 1.3.3


Did you also remember to enable the enableOverrideBiomeProvider option in the main mod config (for example via the in-game config menu, or in the justenoughdimensions.cfg file)?

And the entry in the dimensions.json does need to be the biome's registry name, an ID will not work.
You can get a list of all registered biomes with the biome dump command in the TellMe mod.
For all vanilla biomes, here is an example dump: http://pastebin.com/raw/U5cvkdKz
So you want what is in the Registry name column. For vanilla biomes you can omit the 'minecraft:' prefix, but for any mod biomes you need to give the entire registry name.


Yeah, sorry. I forgot to enable the biome override. Thanks for the help and the mod suggestion. (I did figure that IDs would not work, but I figured I would try on the off chance.)