Just Enough Dimensions

Just Enough Dimensions


Question about respawn & teleport entries

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I have a question about respawn dimensions and teleport disablers:

I have setup JED so that the initial spawn dimension is dim -10, and I want to set it up so that wherever a player dies this is also where they respawn. So I made -10 respawnable, and 0 not respawnable. I also want to set up respawn dimension for -10, but the page says "RespawnDimension (1.5.0+) - If CanRespawnHere is false, then this will indicate the dimension where the player will respawn to. Only usable with JED WorldProviders!". This is a problem because most of my dimensions are with worldproviders from mods, which means I would have to change them into JEDvanilla worlds in order to make respawning work properly?

And one of my dimensions is the Quarry Dim from Extra Utils, it is only used for the quantum quarry so I put the teleport to disabler on true for this dimension, as seen in one of the 1.6.0+ examples. However when I use TPJ -9999 it just teleports me as if nothing was set up at all.

Could you have a look at my dimensions.json and see how I can fix these two things? Thanks!


I don't remember for sure exactly how the player respawn stuff works, it's a bit limited in how it's implemented in vanilla and Forge. But I think it might also work to some extent in other dimensions, but I think you would need to just define the respawn dimension for all your dimensions if you want the player to always respawn in a specific dimension. And I think this shouldn't actually necessarily need a JED WorldProvider. I don't remember if it was changed during 1.6.0 development or when, but there should be a case where the respawn dimension is just set to the player entity if the WorldProvider is not from JED.

As to the teleport prevention, it just works with the Forge event, and the teleport command does not respect the event. If you have some form of actual in-game portals or however you would normally get there, try those. But again it would only work if those portals respect the Forge event...

And for support requests, if you use Discord, you might want to join my server, it's usually kind of easier/faster to get stuff sorted via instant messages: https://discord.gg/2FgywHj


Hm, it does seem that it won't work without a JED worldprovider, because other then DIM -10 which has can respawn on true all the others let me respawn in DIM 0, even though they now all have the respawn dimension on -10. (Json here) Also on a sidenote, it also seems to disregard "keeploaded": false for DIM 0, but maybe that can't be fixed due to how minecraft handles it.


I need to check again how the respawn stuff is supposed to work currently, I can't remember anymore off the top of my head.

I think the keeploaded option is indeed hard coded to true in dimension 0 in JED, because the overworld should never be allowed to unload, too many things assume that it's always loaded and would crash if it isn't.


I assumed as much. I might be able to switch -10 and 0 around, but theres always those mods that just assume that 0 is a general overworld and don't spawn their goods in other dimensions. That's why I wanted my void-spawn to be -10 instead of 0. But if it doesn't work it's back to the testing/drawing board. Thanks.