Just Enough Dimensions

Just Enough Dimensions


can't change dimension id with JSON

PercyJames opened this issue ยท 18 comments


I'm mingcming from curseforge. i have a new pastebin. it's the result of correcting until it's correct. i couldn't even do that. the comma at the end is the result of the corrections. i don't know what to do.



All braces/brackets must come in pairs. A pair of curly braces { } makes an object, and an object is basically a number of key value pairs, in the form "key": "value", "something": 123, so all keys must be double quoted strings, a key is followed by a colon and then the value, and if there are more than one key-value pair then they are separated by commas. Square brackets [ ] make a list, and a list consists of just values, without names, for example in the dimension config dimensions is an array ([ ]) of objects ({ }), one object per dimension, which then holds a number of key-value pairs.

I would recommend for example https://jsonlint.com/ to check for errors.

And here is your config corrected for JSON syntax errors (and not using overlapping IDs):

            "dim": 3,
            "unregister": true
            "dim": 456,
            "dimensiontype": {
                "existing_dimensiontype": "eyedimension"
            "dim": 789,
            "dimensiontype": {
                "id": 789,
                "name": "eyedimension",
                "worldprovider": "mod.mcreator.mcreator_eyedimension.WorldProviderMod",
                "require_exact_match": true

let's hope this finally freakin works! thanks for i the info. i think i'll need it for future id writing.


i don't even know anymore. my file is a JSON file, it's in UTF8, and i copied your code directly into it but it doesn't work.

and it still says "Unable to load world for dimension for (insert id here)"

i'm starting to think it's impossible.


Then it might just be those mcreator mods and their dimensions being somehow unusable. I would need to try it out, but I don't currently have really any time to look into it.




wait, do it need to name the config anything specific?


Yes, the config file needs to be at .minecraft/config/justenoughdimensions/dimension.json (in single player, on a server obviously similarly in the server's config directory).


does the last part mean i name the config dimension.json?




ok. i just needed clarification


let's hope this works


ok so, something strange is happening. when i load minecraft it works. but when i try to load a world, it only works every other attempt

edit: load a new world

edit 2: also, for somehow it didn't work


no version even works at this point. i think i quit.


This config works for me to register the eye dimension as dimensions 456 and 789:


            "dim": 456,
            "dimensiontype": {
                "existing_dimensiontype": "eyedimension"
            "dim": 789,
            "dimensiontype": {
                "id": 789,
                "name": "eyedimension",
                "worldprovider": "mod.mcreator.mcreator_eyedimension$WorldProviderMod",
                "require_exact_match": true

(notice the one character difference in the WorldProvider name, $ instead of ., since this is what /jed debug was outputting in the original dimension).

However this doesn't help you with the problem that these dimension mods all try to register their dimension as dimension 3 during the game launch, and there is no config file to change it. JED can't resolve those conflicts that already happen during game launch. MCreator mods are often very low quality and problematic, and the lack of configs is a problem here.


ah. i was trying to prevent the conflict from happening in the first place..


thanks for the help anyway


i think i might be a moron. i downloaded a dev version of JED


You want to be using the latest 1.6.0-dev version. The 1.5.5 version is super old and lacking like half of the functionality.