Just Enough Dimensions

Just Enough Dimensions


Crash with Journey into the Light?(Incompatible?)

Terra-B-Welch opened this issue ยท 7 comments


So I've had a custom dimension registered ID 690, and without the mod Journey into the Light enabled, it works fine.

However upon adding Journey into the Light to the pack, I am met with this crash upon creation of a new world(or loading an existing world)


I have double checked JitL's config and have made sure none of its dimensions use the ID 690, yet this crash occurs.
Without JitL, the dimension works fine and as intended.

Possible incompatibility?


That crash would indicate that either the dimension fails to get registered for some reason, or the DimensionType enum's values() method does not find it, which may happen if the method is called too many times before the dimension is registered (as enums are not supposed to be modifid in Java).

Try if adding the load_on_start option for that dimension helps (which basically registers it already during server/game start and not only when the world is loaded, or however that worked by default). (Example on line 621 here: https://pastebin.com/d3EZzDY3).


Tried adding load_on_start to DIM 690, it made no difference, the same crash occurs.


Then try enabling the verbose/info logging option in the JED main config, and see if you see any warnings/errors from when JED tries to register the dimension. Could you also post/pastebin your dimension config?


Heres the config for dimensions.
I'll try looking in the logs for anything that might be a lead, I've enabled the info logging.


unless that config option posts a seperate log file somewhere, this was all I dug up from logs.


Yep that stack trace points to this issue, unfortunately:

Try using WorldProviderSurfaceJED in dim 690, that way JED can use one of the pre-registered DimensionType values for that dimension. Also unless you absolutely need the dimension name to be what you specified in the config, try removing the require_exact_match option from as many dimensions as possible, that way you may be able to register some more dimensions without it failing. Seems like it's now failing on the last dimension in the config...


Well that worked, setting it to WorldProviderSurfaceJED allows the world to load fine.